Remember the big freeze? We do.Target Hospitality2021-12-20T13:41:04-06:00Categories: Thought Leadership|Tags: Facilities, Maintenance, Productivity, Recruitment, Retention, Winter|
The greatest wealth is health.Target Hospitality2022-01-14T12:52:15-06:00Categories: Thought Leadership|Tags: Health, Nutrition, Prevention, Productivity, Recruitment, Retention, Target Culinary|
The Business Case for the TARGET 12Target Hospitality2022-01-14T12:35:16-06:00Categories: Case Studies, Featured, Thought Leadership|Tags: Performance, Permian Basin, Productivity, Recruitment, Remote housing, Remote workforce, Retention, ROI|
Workforce housing as a recruitment and retention strategy – the other 12 hours. (Part 2)Target Hospitality2022-01-14T12:35:37-06:00Categories: Thought Leadership, White Papers|Tags: Morale, Productivity, Recruitment, Retention|
Workforce housing as a recruitment and retention strategy – the other 12 hours. (Part 1)Target Hospitality2021-07-30T16:56:44-05:00Categories: White Papers|Tags: Living conditions, Morale, Productivity, Recruitment, Remote workforce, Retention, Workforce housing|